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Earth Day
360 video used to create a Tiny Planet effect for Earth Day. Published on IBM’s masterbrand social platforms.
This asset was created to drive awareness of The Jefferson Project. A partnership between IBM Research and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in the effort of monitoring and the well-being of Lake George in upstate NY.
Published on Instagram.
What I did
- Art Direction
- 360 Photography
- 360 video editing, compositing and retouching
- Fall head first into the lake
- Adobe After Effects
- Adobe Photoshop
- Mettle Skybox Studio
- Kodak PixPro SP360 camera
- Ricoh Theta 360 camera
A little BTS of the post production.
In order to remove the camera nadir, a hero still photo is taken to strip into the comp in post.
And using Mettle Skybox Studio (pre adobe buyout) the hero still is stripped into the motion tracked footage. This process is repeated for removal of all camera nadirs in the project.