About me
A multidisciplinary designer with a pragmatic willingness to step outside my comfort zone. I enjoy solving problems using a variety of creative solutions and tools.
A BFA graduate of the School of Visual Arts in NYC, I have spent a lifetime creating everything from simple images to large public sculptures.
If you would like a little more insight as to the path taken on my creative journey, I encourage you to scroll and read on.

The beginning of my professional career began in San Francisco, California building sets and props for tv and film. During that time, frequently worked side by side with mythbusters before they were “Mythbusters” and got my name in movie credits. (I carved this giant tomato out of styrofoam and fiberglass resin and it was broadcast in a Wells Fargo commercial for an impressive 1.5 seconds.)

I spent a good amount of time and treasure fulfilling my lifelong dream of transforming a junkyard car into a fireplace that toured the US and Canada in a traveling art exhibit. This piece was published in various magazines and monthlies such as Graphis, People, and the National Enquirer. Pictured here at NYC’s Grand Central Station. (Created within the confines and with the blessing of Acme Scenery.)

For ten years, gained valuable leadership experience as a scenic and stage manager for NFL halftime shows in Detroit and Honolulu.
My primary responsibilities placed me in charge of gaining the trust and dedication of a volunteer stage crew consisting of hundreds of US servicemen and women.

In my spare time, you can find me traveling by motorcycle through the switchbacks and hairpins of Europe or the lazy sweepers of the New York’s Hudson valley.
If you have a project that you would love to show off to your colleagues, or want to solve a problem that will make it clear you deserve a promotion, I encourage you to contact me.